The company
Ciser is one of the companies that make up the H. Carlos Schneider Group. The history of the Group begins with the foundation of Casa do Aço in 1881. The small business sold imported products and exported native products, especially honey, fruit and dried flowers.
Subsequently, the Company began the manufacture of screws and nuts. The acceptance of the products and the pace of growth of the national market stimulated the creation of an independent company, Cia. Industrial H. Carlos Schneider, later named Ciser.
After years of history and a long journey, Ciser has established itself as the largest fastener manufacturer in Latin America. Its portfolio currently has more than 27,000 products, grouped into more than 500 lines, to serve customers in more than 25 countries.
Ciser's solutions are applied in several segments, such as metalworking, civil construction, metal structures, electrical hardware, agribusiness, automotive, white and brown lines, oil and gas, electronics, rail, furniture, retail and wholesale.
With efficient logistics, Ciser has great capacity for product storage, offering excellent service, with its own carrier and cargo routing service to shorten the deadline for deliveries. Another strategy aimed at improving the service is the School of Manufacturing, which qualifies employees with technical courses and academic training.
Check out our institutional video and learn more!Ciser
Contribute to a practical, safe and sustainable life, through innovative fastening solutions and metal components, generating value for customers, employees, society and investors.
To be a world-class solution, a leader in target markets and recognized for reliability.
See the timeline with the main events of Ciser's history!

Ciser Foundation
Ciser was founded by Carlos Frederico Adolfo Schneider. At first, the company had four employees and daily production was only 2,500 pieces.

Expansion to SP
Installation of sales office and Distribution Center in São Paulo.

Environmental Preservation
Creation of the Quiriri River Springs Preservation Project, which today protects 9,158.57 hectares of Atlantic Forest, where 60% of the Quiriri River springs are located.

Expansion to MG
A subsidiary of Ciser was founded in Nova Lima (MG). The unit had 90 employees and a production capacity of 35 tons per day.

Distribution Center
Inauguration of the Distribution Center in Guarulhos (SP), to serve the Greater São Paulo region.

Achievement of ISO 9001 certification.

Inauguration of Ciser Automotive, located in Sarzedo (MG), aiming to serve the automotive market.

Distribution Center
Inauguration of Distribution Center of in Guarulhos (SP) to meet the supply of the Greater Sao Paulo.

Ciser presence in China
Inauguration of the Distribution Center to serve industrial customers across Asia.

Start of operations in Lima, Peru
Installation of an office and Distribution Center.

Start of activities in Araquari
Start of activities in Araquari (SC), in a modern headquarters, generating new jobs and increased productivity of the production line.

Portfolio Expansion
Ciser now offers new solutions for the market, with more than 27,000 products.

New brand positioning
Ciser assumed the positioning "Fixamos Tudo" (We Fix Everything), encompassing its market performance and generating new brand value to consumers.

Ciser Automotive expands production capacity
Investments in machinery to boost production by almost 10%, in addition to generating more jobs in Sarzedo/MG.

International Expansion
Ciser has expanded its operations in Latin America and other countries around the world.
President of the
H. Carlos Schneider Group
Bachelors and Masters´ degree in Business Administration from Business Administration School of Sao Paulo at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV - EAESP), today he directs the H. Carlos Schneider group, made up of the companies: Ciser, Ciser Automotive, Hacasa Empreendimentos Imobiliários, Intercargo Soluções Logísticas, Agropecuária Parati, RBE, and FCF.
While president of the Entrepreneurial’s Association of Joinville (ACIJ - Associação Empresarial de Joinville), where he served from 2009 to 2011, Carlos Rodolfo Schneider launched the Movimento Brasil Eficiente, on a national scale. The initiativeseeks to stimulate the efficiency of public management, the reduction of the tax burden, and the simplification of the tax system. By March of 2012, it had registered the participation of more than 130 business and non-business entities across the country, as well as intellectuals and governments.
He has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the São Paulo School of Business Administration, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), and today directs the H. Carlos Schneider Group.
He is a member, among others, of the Superior Council of Economics of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), the Strategic Council of Santa Catarina Industry (FIESC), the Political and Social Council of the São Paulo Trade Association, the Committee of Leaders of the Business Mobilization for Innovation of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Business Council of Latin America (CEAL).
He was honorary consul of Colombia to Santa Catarina from 1996 to 2003, CEO of Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina S.A. (CELESC) from 2003 to 2005 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CELESC in the same period.
As chairman of the Joinville Business Association (ACIJ), from 2009 to 2011, Carlos Schneider launched the Brazil Efficient Movement — MBE, which stimulated the efficiency of public management, the reduction of the tax burden and the simplification of the tax system. He also registered the membership of more than 130 business and non-business entities from all over the country, as well as intellectuals and governments.
In 2010, he received from the City Council the award of Citizen Merit of Joinville, in 2017 he received from the Federation of Industries of Santa Catarina (FIESC) the Commendation of the Order of Industrial Merit, and in 2020 he received from the Federation of Industries of the State of Minas Gerais (FIEMG) the Commendation of the Order of Industrial Merit.
Follow the articles written by our president in his blog by clicking here.
Certifications A guarantee of quality and excellence.
In order to affirm our commitment to the best practices in the market and improvement of our solutions, we brought some important recognitions and achievements for the development of the company.
Awards Learn about the achievements and recognitions received by Ciser:
Best Product of the Year
1st place in the Screws category, with the Chipboard and 2nd place in the Bushings category, with the Ciser Plastic Bushing.
Amanhã Magazine's Greats & Leaders Survey
94th place in the Southern Region and 18th place in the state of SC.
Valor Innovation Award
We stood out in 3rd place in the "Building Materials” category.
Stemmer Innovation Award
Plast Ultra Screw - 2nd place in the "Innovative Product” category, in the Industrial Design modality - Professor Caspar Erich Stemmer Award for Innovation.
Top of Mind Revenda magazine
Top of mind brand in the "Screws" category.
Champions of Innovation
15th most innovative company in Southern Brazil according to Amanhã magazine´s ranking.
Best Product of the Year
Ciser Chipboard screw voted the best product of the year by Revenda Magazine.
Santa Catarina Award for Improvement Ideas
Winner in the "Lean Excellence" category - 9th edition of PCIM – Santa Catarina Award for Improvement Ideas.
Top of Mind Revenda magazine
Top of mind brand in the "Screws" category.
Champions of Innovation
30th most innovative company in Southern Brazil according to Amanhã magazine´s ranking.
Expressão Ecology Award
Ciser was awarded in the Natural Resource Conservation category with the innovative Reuse of Quenching Oil project.
Stemmer Innovation Award
The Reuse of Quenching Oil project, which recovers the oil used in heat treatment, won 1st place in the Professor Caspar Erich Stemmer Award for Santa Catarina Innovation in the Sustainability category.
Champion of Innovation Company
Amanhã magazine.
NEI Top Five Survey
1st place in the "Screw" and "Fasteners” categories.
Top of Mind Revenda
Ciser was once again one of the top of mind brands of store owners from all over Brazil in the screw and bushing categories in the TOP 10 Revenda.
Champion of Innovation Company
Most innovative company in southern Brazil in the metallurgy segment Amanhã magazine
Fritz Müller Award - Environmental Management category
“Reuse of quenching oil” project
HR Personality Award
Leandro José Soares, Management and People manager at Ciser, received the award, which aims to implement best practices in the human resources and people management sectors.
Human Being Award
Ciser was one of the winners in the Management and People – Sustainability modality, for the “Solid Waste Management” project.
Outstanding Supplier Award
Ciser Automotive received the award granted by General Motors do Brasil.
Expressão Ecology Award
With the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Project in the Environmental Management category.
Best Product of the Year
Roof tile screw (Fast) Revenda Construção magazine.
Fritz Müller Award - Environmental Management category
“0 waste: fixing sustainability, in the Solid Waste category” project
1st place - Medium or Large Innovative Company
Stemmer Innovation Santa Catarina Award.
Performance and Delivery Excellence Award
Ciser Automotive received the award from General Motors.
1st place in the Joinville Innovation Award
Municipal Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (COMCITI) with the ecofastener project: the same product, an innovative and eco-friendly process.
Champion of Innovation Company
Amanhã magazine.
Industrial Merit
Carlos Frederico Adolfo Schneider - FIESC.
Época Negócios 360° Guide
The 300 Best Companies in Brazil: Ciser stood out in the Mechanics and Metallurgy category, where it ranked 3rd for Ability to Innovate and HR Practices.
Champion of Innovation Company
Amanhã magazine.
Amanhã Magazine's Greats & Leaders Survey
Ciser and Hacasa Empreendimentos Imobiliários were among the 500 Biggest Companies in the South.
Champions of Innovation
Amanhã Group.
Época Negócios 360° Guide
Among the 250 classifying companies, Ciser ranked 159. In the sector´s ranking, we came in 2nd place in financial performance, 4th place in the ability to innovate and 2nd in HR practices.
National Innovation Award
2nd place in the 3rd edition of the Joinville Innovation Award
Municipal Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (COMCITI) with the Smart Screw project.
Best Product of the Year Award
Concrete Bolt Premium-Line was voted best in class by Revenda e Construção magazine.
Innovation Champion Company
Magazine Amanhã.
Trophy Ruy Ohtake
Resales group - category "Screws".
NEI Top Five Research
1st place in "Screw" and "Fixing elements" categories.
Premio Mejor Producto del Año
Categoría Tornillos (Línea Anclajes).
Guide Época Negócios 360° (Epoch Business 360°)
Among 250 classified Ciser reached the 109th position. In the sector ranking, we achieved 5th position in the best of the Metallurgy and Mechanics sector. In the sector chapter, Ciser is in 3rd place in Future Vision and 1st place in HR practices.
Internship Award of IEL (FIESC)
3rd position in the state (large company) - Apprenticeship and Internship Program.
1st place in 2nd Innovation Award of Joinville
Municipal Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (COMCITI) with the Nanotechnology in Surface Coatings project - October/2014.
Greats and Leaders Survey of the Magazine Amanhã
The 500 Largest in the South: • Among the Leaders of Santa Catarina, Ciser is the company which had the Greatest Liquidity; in the 100 Largest in Santa Catarina, stayed in 16th position. Among the 500 Largest in the South, stayed in 71st position; between the 50 largest net worth, stayed in 11th position; Among the 50 largest gross revenue, stayed in 30th position.
Friend of Sports Business Award
This is an award dedicated to companies that have contributed or donated through the Sports Incentive Act. This is a recognition of the federal government.
Innovation Champions Award
Amanhã Magazine.
Ruy Ohtake Trophy
Revenda Group. "Screws" Category.
11th Imec Award
Minas Gerais Institute of Civil Engineering (Imec).
Human Being Award 2013
Brazilian Association of Human Resources (ABRH). "Social and environmental Projects" Category.
Guide Época Negócios 360° (Epoch Business 360°)
Among 250 classified Ciser reached the 109th position. In the sector ranking, we achieved 5th position in the best of the Metallurgy and Mechanics sector. In the sector chapter, Ciser is in 3rd place in Future Vision and 1st place in HR practices.
Finep Innovation Award
Finep (Brazilian Innovation Agency).
NEI Top Five Research
1st place in "Screw" and "Fixing elements" categories.
Senai/SC Citizen Learning Award
Senai/SC Citizen Learning Award.
5th Top Engineers Award
5th Top Engineers Award.
Sport-Friendly Entrepreneur Award
Ministry of Sport.
Minas Gerais Institute of Civil Engineering (Imec)
Minas Gerais Institute of Civil Engineering (Imec).
Ruy Ohtake Trophy
Revenda Group. "Screws" Category.
Innovation Champions Award
Amanhã Magazine.
1st Place - Concept and Image of the Industry Ranking
Rui Othake Trophy – Revenda Magazine.
1st place - NEI Top Five
Most remembered supplier of the screw and fastener categories.
Sustainability Certificate for the Internal Public
Publisher Expressão Expression and Aequo Solutions in Sustainability.
Best Product of the Year
Screws sector, with curved and straight screw for scaffolding with nut and washer by "Revenda Consrução" magazine, of the Revenda group.
Champions of Innovation
Amanhã Magazine.
1st Place - Concept and Image of the Industry Ranking
Rui Othake Trophy – Revenda Magazine.
The Best Product of the Year / Screw Category
Screw for Steel Structures (shingles) Drill Tip - Revenda Magazine.
Top Engineering Award - AEAEE-UFMG
Association of Former Students of the School of Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais.
2 Place - Concept and Image of the Industry Ranking
Rui Othake Trophy – Revenda Magazine.
Top Engineering Award - AEAEE-UFMG
Association of Former Students of the Engineering School, Federal University of Minas Gerais.
The Best Product of the Year/Category Screw
TENEX – Revenda Magazine.
ANPEI Seal for Innovative Companies
ANPEI Seal for Innovative Companies.
2nd Place - Concept and Image of the Industry Ranking
Rui Othake Trophy – Revenda Magazine.
Among the 150 Best Companies to Work For in Brazil
You S.A and Exame Magazines.
2nd Place - Concept and Image of the Industry Ranking
Rui Othake Trophy – Revenda Magazine.
HR Distinction Award - Emerson Wilson Branco
Revista Gestão & RH Magazine.
Ruy Othake Trophy
Building material sector in Brazil.
Big & Leaders
Top 100 Enterprises of Santa Catarina - Amanhã Magazine.
Industrial Merit
Carlos Frederico Adolfo Schneider - FIESC.
Bigger and Better
Category Ecology, Environment and Health – Grupo Presença Editora.
Water Category - Superinteressante Magazine.
Citizen company
Category Cultural Development - ADVB / SC Association of Sales Directors of Brazil.
Brazil Export Citizenship
Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.
Environmental Personality of the South of the Country
Carlos Frederico Adolfo Schneider - Expressão Magazine.
Corporate Citizen - Environmental Preservation Category
ADVB/SC Association of Sales Managers of Brazil.
Corporate Citizen - Cultural Development Category
ADVB/SC Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas do Brasil (Association of Sales Managers of Brazil).
Meet the Ciser units, other companies and projects of the H. Carlos Schneider Group
Ciser units spread throughout Brazil and the world

Installed em Joinville, Northern Santa Catarina, the Ciser parent company, with more than 40 thousand square meters of constructed area.

In Sarzedo, a region of Belo Horizonte (MG), the Ciser Minas unit occupies an area of 12,500 square meters of constructed area. Inaugurated on September 12th, 2008, the factory began with the capacity for producing 1,000 tons/month.

The new industrial park is installed on Rio do Morro Road, in the city of Araquari (SC). The built area is 90 thousand square meters. The new unit caters to the production sectors and support areas.

United States
The Ciser distribution center in the United States offers naional logistics and advanced solutions for supplying industrial clients in the USA and Canada.

The Ciser distribution center in China presents a rigorous quality control and tests for the entire product line, and supplies the main industrial clients in all of Asia.